Join the Yorktown Civic Association.
$20 for an annual membership.
Quick Links:
Fill out the online form.
Form to download and mail.
Pay for your membership at PayPal.
Eligibility for Membership
It’s easy for you to become a member of the Yorktown Civic Association!
Formal membership in the Yorktown Civic Association is open to all adults (18 years old or older) that live within our neighborhood boundaries. See details about our boundaries here.
If you own residential property within our boundaries, but rent your home to someone else, you also can be a member.
Business owners within the neighborhood can also serve as non-voting members in the Association. Businesses are asked to name a specific representative for membership.
Your membership entitles you to vote on issues that come before the Association, to participate in elections, and to serve on any of our committees.
Your annual membership dues support the cost of mailings, such as newsletters or letters, management of website or other platforms, outreach and neighborhood days.
Boundaries of the Yorktown Civic Association
The Yorktown Civic Association covers the area of north Arlington, Virginia, as shown on this map. Our territory is bound by Langston Boulevard (formerly Lee Highway) / Route 29 on the south, Old Dominion Drive to the east, Little Falls Road and Rock Spring Road on the north, and North Jefferson Street to the west.
Arlington County provides a Civic Association Map to identify your property’s Civic Association. For some of the border streets, houses on both sides of the street are considered to be part of the Association, but for other streets only one side may be included.
Membership Application Form and Dues
There are three ways to make your membership official. Apply:
- Online
- By Mail
- By Email
We accept payment via PayPal and personal check.
If you have already joined, you should see that on your address label.
Pay for your Membership at PayPal:
Apply Online
Apply by Mail and Pay by Check
- Fill out our Membership Form (PDF).
- Write a check to the Yorktown Civic Association for $20 for an annual membership.
- Mail form and check to our treasurer:
Dustin Anderson
YCA Treasurer
5104 23rd Road N.
Arlington, VA 22207