
County approved Neighborhood Conservation Plan

On Wednesday, April 26, 2006, the Arlington County Board approved the Yorktown Civic Association’s Neighborhood Plan Update after a presentation by civic association president David Haring. See Staff recommendation (pdf)

The Yorktown Neighborhood Conservation Plan Update presentation to Arlington’s Neighborhood Conservation Advisory Committee (NCAC) was held on Thursday, March 9, 2006.

The Yorktown Civic Association adopted its plan at its Winter Meeting on Tuesday, February 15, 2005. The Yorktown Neighborhood Plan has been prepared as part of the Arlington Neighborhood Conservation Program. The Civic Association began working on the plan update in late 2003 with a survey of every household in the neighorhood. After being approved by the NCAC, the plan will then go to the County Planning Commission and the County Board for approval.

  • Yorktown Neighborhood Plan (final) (pdf)The Yorktown Civic Association joined the Arlington County’s Neighborhood Conservation (NC) Program in April 1992 and, in February 1995, the Yorktown Neighborhood Conservation Plan was approved by the Arlington County Board.

    In Arlington County, each neighborhood’s conservation plan serves as the primary planning document for the distribution of neighborhood project grants and other neighborhood improvements. The existing Yorktown Neighborhood Conservation Plan also contains detailed survey data along with extensive information on the neighborhood’s land use planning, zoning, public safety and traffic issues.

    In mid-2003, the Executive Committee voted to proceed with a full update to the existing Yorktown plan. The update process began with a status review of the 1995 plan.

    The next step in the update process was the completion of a detailed survey of Yorktown neighborhood residents. An eight page survey was mailed to every household in the Yorktown neighborhood on October 20, 2003. 405 households in the neighborhood completed the survey.

    The survey results are available at:

    The survey form and cover letter can be seen at:

    Plan Update Background Materials: