From Winter Storms to Spring Flowers …
March came in like a lion with Winter Storm Riley. The Cantwell family finally has power, but still no Fios. I am writing the President’s letter on Saturday, March 3rd and hope that Fios will be working by Sunday so I can hit send and avoid missing yet another Yorktown Civic Association newsletter deadline. A big thank you for all of you who helped your neighbors during and
after the storm.
Yorktown Civic Association held a general membership meeting on Wednesday, December 13, in the Yorktown High School Cafeteria. At the meeting, those in attendance elected the slate of candidates including myself (President), David Friedman (Vice President), James Churbuck (Secretary), Dustin Anderson (Treasurer), and the At-Large members of the Executive Committee: Terry Costello, David Gelman, David Haring, Elizabeth Kiker, Craig Mastangelo, Brian O’Flaherty, and Frank White. I appreciate the hard work and dedication of the Executive Committee. Thank You! We also announced the launching of our new website at A big shout out to Campbell Maloney of blueunderground for designing and developing our new website. Nice work Campbell! The Executive Committee also provided updates on the Chestnut Hill Park expansion, information on elementary and middle school boundary changes, and the progress of the Lee Highway Alliance (LHA). Finally, we shared our vision for incorporating the Yorktown Civic Association as a 501(c)(4). By incorporating YCA, we will be able to provide greater transparency and record-keeping and limited liability protection for the officers of the Yorktown Civic Association.
The Yorktown Community was busy again between December and March. The LHA continues to make progress towards making Lee Highway a better place. The LHA Board of Directors held their annual meeting on January 11, 2018 at their new home at 4620 Lee Highway, Suite 208. During the meeting we reviewed and approved the budget. For more information about LHA, please visit the LHA website. Dustin Anderson (YCA Treasurer) attended a meeting to discuss a proposal to replace the Alpine with a new three or four story (43’) building. The building would house the new Children’s School with approximately 230 students. The YCA EC supports schools and child care facilities, but has some concerns about traffic.
On March 2nd, I joined more than 20 civic association Presidents at a round table discussion with Mark Schwarz, the Arlington County Manager. It was a productive discussion with many good ideas shared between the Presidents, County Staff, and the County Manager.
Unfortunately, we also had a series of car break-ins in our community. I spoke with CAPT Giroux and he encouraged everyone to lock their car doors, remain vigilant, and call the police if you see something out of the ordinary. Video surveillance systems were also discussed and I proposed inviting a few vendors to a future YCA meeting. I also expressed my concerns regarding school safety and drug use in our community.
The YCA EC invited Arlington County Board Member Libby Garvey to our next meeting. Please attend!
Have a safe and happy spring.
Mike Cantwell
President, Yorktown Civic Association