Meeting Notes

Minutes of the July 21, 2021 Yorktown Civic Association General Membership Meeting

  • On July 21, 2021, the Yorktown Civic Association held a virtual general meeting.  The following individuals were in attendance, with Brian Young reporting the minutes:
  • Bryan Walsh, Campbell Maloney, Christine Purka, Craig Mastrangelo, David Haring, David Friedman, Ginger Brown, Hillary Gillen, James Churbuck, Kristi Roberts, Maisie Meade, Mehul Vora, Melissa Jackson, Michael Strazzella, Mike Cantwell, Paul Gibson, Paul Holland, Rob Fisher, Sally Linderman, Shelly Pelletier, Terry Costello, Amelia Frenkel, Frank White.

In Memoriam: James and Shauna Waites

  • Craig Mastrangelo offered condolences to the families of Shauna and James Waite of North Greenbrier Street, who were killed in a tragic accident last week.  Please keep the Waites and their family in your thoughts.

Plan Lee Highway

  • Paul Holland and Ginger Brown addressed Plan Lee Highway, a land use development plan for the Lee Highway corridor.  They took questions.   Documents pertaining to Plan Lee Highway are available here:  Residents may contact Plan Lee Highway at [email protected].  Ms. Brown may be contacted at [email protected] and Mr. Holland may be contacted at [email protected].  Mr. Cantwell reported that the Goddard School is renting the former bank location near Lee Highway and George Mason and is hopeful that this space will become a childcare center.  Ms. Brown reported that an eatery had expressed interest in the space that was formerly occupied by Tops Cleaners on Lee Highway but had no further information.

Neighborhood Day

  • The Association discussed holding a neighborhood day in Chestnut Hills on a date to be determined this fall.  Mr. Cantwell put out a call for someone to volunteer to serve as chairperson of the event.  In the past, Neighborhood Day featured food trucks, musical entertainment, and a bounce house.  Please contact Mr. Cantwell at [email protected] if you wish to volunteer.

Crime and Traffic

  • Mr. Cantwell gave an update on crime developments and traffic safety.
Meeting Notes

Minutes of the January 27, 2020 Yorktown Civic Association General Membership Meeting

  • A meeting of the Yorktown Civic Association was held virtually.  Brian Young, Secretary, compiled these minutes.
  • Meeting attendees include: Brian Young; Amelia Frenkel; Anne Bodine; David Coia; David Friedman; David Haring; Jeanne Mershon; Matt Duckery; Michelle Winters; Mike Cantwell; Peter Rousselot; Rene Sollod; Terry Costello; Craig Mastrangelo; Matthew Cleaveland; Mehul Vora; Campbell Maloney; James Churbuck; Karen Hardee; Ginger Brown; Rick Epstein; Margie Bell; Rick Epstein; Susan Kerin; Terry Costello; Dave Schutya.

Special Election

  • Mike Cantwell nominates Brian Young to serve on the Executive Board of the YCA and as the Secretary for the YCA. Craig Mastrangelo seconded the motion.  The motion carries unanimously on a voice vote.

Special Guest – Matthew Duckery, Arlington County Code Enforcement

  • Mr. Duckery, of Arlington County Inspection Services, addressed code enforcement for Arlington County, which enforces Virginia’s Property Maintenance Code.  The County has eight inspectors to survey all land within the County borders and strives to perform inspections in response to complaints in 3-5 business days.  Code inspectors are not permitted to reveal the identity of complainants – that information is confidential.  Inspector Duckery may be reached at [email protected].  Those wishing to lodge complaints may call 703-228-3232 or email [email protected].   The phone number for Arlington County Environmental Services, which inspects permeable driveways, is 703-228-3883.

Special Guest – Peter Rousselot, Arlingtonians for Our Sustainable Future

Lee Highway News

  • Mike Cantwell discussed developments on Lee Highway, particularly including the site on the corer of George Mason and Lee Highway.  Mr. Cantwell reported that the new tenant provides business services such as printing and virtual meeting facilities.


  • Mr. Cantwell addressed crime in the YCA borders and stressed preventative measures such as security measures and ensuring that residents lock car doors.

Treasurer’s Report

  • A Treasurer’s report was deferred until the next meeting.

Future YCA Meeting

  • The YCA aspires to hold an outdoor meeting in March or April.  Details will be forthcoming.
Meeting Notes

Yorktown Civic Association General Membership Meeting


  • Mike Cantwell started the meeting at 7:31. Board members introduced themselves to the attendees. There were approximately 30 people in attendance.

Dr. Kevin Clark, the new YHS principal

  • Mike Cantwell introduced the new YHS principal
  • Dr. Kevin stated that this was his Third week at Yorktown.
  • He looks forward to ways YHS and YCA can partner
  • There are some ways we can collaborate to make the community strong.
  • Common themes student safety. Drivers and pedestrian
  • He knows groups are advocating for additional signage near the school. He thinks that will be helpful.
  • He is looking forward to a chance to collaborate with the association
  • Dr. Clark introduced Scott McCallan the assistant principal who is responsible for safety and security. Works with the school resource officer.

Roni Robins, Lee-Harrison VP of Development

  • Mike Cantwell introduced Roni Robins.  Roni works for A.J. Dwoskin
  • A.J. Dwoskin owns and manages the Lee-Harrison shopping center.  
  • The L-H shopping center has 120k sq ft. of retail/restaurants/service space
  • Roni provided a history of the center. Built in the 1960s. Major renovation in the 1980s. Harris-Teeter added in the 2000s. New 100 car garage.
  • Provided list of tenants.
  • Added cameras in 2011, renovated lower levels.
  • A new retail pad is under construction. Will consist of three retail stories. 3400 sq ft. of retail space. One story buildings. Expect the same kind of uses. No expectation of intense parking demand usage.
  • The construction will be completed in June
  • Starting on Monday they will be putting in water lines. Lee highway access will be closed from 7 to 3. They will try to keep people updated.
  • She then took questions:
    • They could have gone higher but were worried about pressure on parking demand and the need to offer lower rents.
    • There were questions about parking, but they aren’t really able to change parking due to Harris-Teeter. They don’t expect there to be a loss of parking spaces, maybe a very marginal loss of one or two spaces.
    • Asked whether choosing new tenants could limit the types of businesses that create more in and out traffic, she said that they are taking that into account, but that they need to treat it as a balancing act.
    • Was a discussion about putting Capital Bikeshare bikes there, but they didn’t think that it was appropriate for Harris-Teeter. Frontages are narrow.
    • Possibility of up to three tenants, could be one, but most likely 2 or 3.
    • No longer term redevelopment plan in place. Lee Highway alliance considers them to be a neighborhood and community center.
    • No tenant yet for Starbucks.
  • Directed other inquiries to the website.

Mike Cantwell introduced members of the Arlington County Police Department

  • Sgt Thomas Rakowski
  • Captain Wayne Vincent
  • Captain Darrin Cassedy
  • Corporal Beth Lennon:
  • They Thanked Dwoskin for allowing ACPD to use the L-H parking lot for the toy drive.
  • ACPD made some arrests on the 2018 burglaries. Only two reported larceny from autos reported since the arrests (September to present).
  • Crime is down.
  • It’s tax season, there will be frauds. Do not give money over the phone. Do not give someone gift cards. Be leery of phishing attempts. (amazon prime renewals, apple).
  • Reminded people of the 9 o’clock routine.
  • Property crimes detectives made an arrest of a juvenile. A one man crime spree. Unlocked car doors is the problem region wide. We are not finding people who have any way to unlock electronic locks.
  • Stolen cars are up in the sense that the people doing these, 1 in every 200 times someone leaves the ignition key there and they test it and take it if they do.
  • Questions
    • A member asked, “I hear a lot of helicopters traveling low and at night.”
      • Arlington doesn’t own any helicopters. If needed they borrow from parkpolice or Fairfax. Possible a bleed over from Fairfax. We problably request less than once a month.
      • Mike Cantwell explained that the helicopter noise is most likely from the presidential helicopters. Rep. Beyer is trying to help. Visit Rep. Beyer’s website for more information.
    • A member asked, “How do they get into the cars?”
    • They don’t break windows anymore. Too noisy. Do not leave your car doors unlock. The only time a car window was broken was when a laptop was visible on the front seat.
  • Capt. Cassidy spoke about traffic and pedestrian safety
    • Capt Cassidy is from ACPD special ops
    • The County Board adopted Vision Zero goal. The plan will be implemented in 2021. The goal is to eliminate all transportation fatalities and severe injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all people. First public meeting about Vision Zero was last night.
  • Campbell Maloney talked about the Harrison and 26th intersection.
    • On Friday second accident in three days, car trying to cross Harrison and 26th. The accident on Tuesday was a three-car accident. Campbell showed the website and photos of accidents.
    • Members can fill out a form on the YCA website to share information about accidents, allows photo uploads.
    • The first year I saw this there were about 5 accidents in a year.
    • Stephen Powers asked how many cars go through location without accidents so that people could understand and what things are designated and why it’s not suitable for a red light or four-way light.
    • Mike asks what the criteria are for a cop to record an accident
      • Capt. Cassidy stated that it’s a state criteria set by VAPD. Their numbers will only be as good as what was reported to the police. If the drivers involved in the accident don’t call the police, there is no record of the accident. [§ 46.2-373. Report by law-enforcement officer investigating accident. Every law-enforcement officer who in the course of duty investigates a motor vehicle accident resulting in injury to or death of any person or total property damage to an apparent extent of $1,500 or more]. Campbell encouraged everyone to upload their photos to the YCA website.  
      • Capt. Cassidy works cooperatively with [email protected] on statistics and possible solutions. Members should contact DES-TEO to discuss ideas to improve safety.
      • A member stated that he thinks that it is the bump outs are causing more accidents, if in fact more accidents are happening.
      • Mike asks if there’s any reason to think that an officer failed to report an accident. Capt Cassidy stated that there was no evidence that cops aren’t reporting accidents. There have been people who got in trouble for not taking reports, but overall people follow the rules.
      • Vision zero is supported by all County Board members.
      • Mike suggested making a policy that would require ACPD to make a record of all accidents, regardless of estimated damage amounts. This policy could increase the workload. ACPD is already pretty understaffed.
  • When an accident is reported it goes to the state as well and it goes to the crime analysis/traffic analysis mapping group and it will be included in the yearly report. 2018 had 2500 crashes. If a pedestrian scooter or bike is involved it goes to Lt. Dan Murphy who looks at all of these accidents. 58 bike and 125 ped accidents in 2018.
  • They are receptive to individual crowdsourced reporting.
  • Asked if there was a way to target the specific intersection for more rigorous reporting. He said that it’s still probably better to go incident by incident.
  • Information is available and we have been getting it.
  • Someone says that she sees near misses of kids every day.
  • We need to agree on safety over convenience or mode of transportation. Officer promises to follow up on collecting statistics
  • Wishes that all of the intersections could be fully engineered but that’s not always possible. Use your safe options.
  • Typically we do not stop people for going less than 10 mph over. They do pedestrian enforcement details will need to look at this intersection to see if it meets the standard.
  • Officer advocates for people being as serious as possible about their safety and taking steps to ensure it if they can.
  • Audience advocates for people to educate drivers about obligations.
  • Discussion of how to improve understanding and executive of pedestrian right of way
  • Officer advises that they invite someone from the county to talk about dos and don’ts.
  • Tickets are about to go up in some places by 200 dollars. Country will need to follow the law in determining this.
  • Mike summarizes situation: most would like to see more enforcement on Yorktown, George Mason, and other through ways. They just did a traffic classifier and they can do that here.
  • They will speak to APS officer about school traffic

YCA Business

  • Currently YCA is unincorporated. Plan to become incorporated as a 501(c)(4). Will work with attorneys for formal filing.
    • Harrison guy asks how the traffic committee works. Response is that it hasn’t been done very formally.
    • Back and forth regarding the classification of the road as an arterial road.
  • Motion to form traffic and pedestrian safety committee
    • Passes unanimously
    • Craig Mastrangelo nominated, seconded.
    • Mike nominates James, seconded.
    • James nominates Campbell, seconded.
    • Campbell nominated Frank White, seconded, James Churbuck, Mehul Vora all seconded.
    • Stephen Powers nominates himself on to the committee, seconded. There is some opposition. Count called for:
      • Five in favor
      • 15 hands opposed.
      • “I am not going away.”

Pay your dues

  • Dues can be paid by PayPal.

Arlington County recently installed traffic control measures at two major intersections in the YCA. The committee tried an innovative approach in reaching out to county officials. The group met at the intersection of 26th and Harrison on a Friday at 3 p.m. just as YHS students were coming out. This proved persuasive, convincing officials that something needed to be done.

The group also looked at the intersection of George Mason Drive and Yorktown. This site regularly sees minor accidents and close calls. This intersection also now has safety measures to protect pedestrians and realigned vehicle lanes. One member of the committee noted that, on his own, he had raised issues about the intersection near his house to no avail. When he linked up with others and worked through YCA, something positive happened. Nobody can guarantee such results every time, but there’s a lot of power in working together.

by James Churbuck
[email protected]

Be a Good Neighbor: Snow Removal


Snow and Ice Removal – All property owners (private residents and businesses) are required to remove snow and ice from public sidewalks adjacent
to their property:

  • Must be removed from the entire width of the sidewalk up to a maximum of 36 inches (to accommodate wheelchairs, strollers, etc.)
  • Must be removed within 24 hours after the snow stops falling, when accumulations are less than 6 inches, and within 36 hours when 6 or more inches of snow accumulate.
  • Noncompliance could result in a civil penalty and fine of $50 for sidewalks less than 200 linear feet in length or $100 for more than 200 feet.

If you know of a resident who is unable to clear their sidewalks because they are physically unable to shovel snow, please contact a member of the YCA Executive Committee. If you are just tired of shoveling, try connecting with your neighbors on the Yorktown Civic Association Facebook page or on Nextdoor Yorktown.

The Arlington County Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee (NTCC) has selected Little Falls Road and N. 27th Street as candidates for traffic calming during its fall funding round.

The two streets are being considered as separate projects, and county staff has already held preliminary meetings with residents of each street to begin the planning process for each project.

The Little Falls Road project runs between the Harrison Street and Yorktown Boulevard intersections. Daphne Lathouras has volunteered to serve as the neighborhood block captain. The county has assigned Betty Diggs to staff the project. She can be reached at 703/228-3202 and [email protected]. Traffic calming solutions under consideration include nubs at the Harrison and Yorktown Blvd. intersections, along with possible speed cushions. An open house has been scheduled for November 8 at 7:30 p.m. at the Yorktown High cafeteria to review solutions.

Twenty-Seventh Street between N. Lexington and N. Harrison Streets has been selected by the NTCC under its expedited speed bump alternative. Therefore, speed bumps are the only traffic calming solution available for consideration by residents. Karen White has volunteered to serve as the neighborhood block captain for that project. Ron Hicks is the county staff member serving the project. Ron can be reached at 703/228-3691 or by e-mail at [email protected]. An open house has been scheduled for Tuesday, October 19, at 7:30 p.m. at the Yorktown High cafeteria to discuss this project. 27th Street (west of N. Jefferson) is the boundary between the Yorktown and Leeway-Overlee civic associations so residents of that civic association are also involved in the project.

Even though project solutions are developed by residents of each street, program guidelines require that 60% of affected residents sign petitions in support of the projects before funding will be approved by the county. Petitions will be circulated after each of the block meetings.

Residents on adjoining cul de sacs are defined as “affected residents” and are also petitioned. Thus, all houses on the Jefferson Street cul de sac will be petitioned as part of the 27th Street project.

Extra points are given to any project receiving civic association support, so there will be votes on each project at the YCA fall meeting on October 20.

If the projects are approved by residents and the county, installation of speed bumps could be expected as early as mid-2005 with construction of other enhancements to follow at a later date.

County Transportation Dept. to Conduct Planning Excercise

Time and Place: Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Yorktown High School
7:30 p.m.

Arlington County transportation officials will be seeking neighborhood input on traffic speed and pedestrian safety concerns in the segment of North Harrison Street from Lee Highway through the Little Falls Road intersection. The meeting will be held at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 20, 2004, in the Yorktown High School cafeteria. The meeting will involve tabletop planning excercises to help facilitate discussion of possible solutions.

Residents will also be provided with an update of a major effort underway to develop traffic calming options for arterial streets, as well as an update of the residential traffic calming program. This segment of Harrison Street is classified as an arterial street and is not eligible for speed bumps and other traffic calming measures that can be taken as part of the residential traffic calming program. However, it has been included as one of 10 arterial streets in Arlington to be analyzed as part of the arterial street study.

Other topics may include:

  • the sign and striping changes made late last year on Harrison Street
  • turn lanes and other design changes planned for the Lee Highway interesection
  • recent discussions about the possibility of nubs and stamped crosswalks at the Little Falls intersection
  • possibility of lane design changes at the Lee/Harrison shops.

On Wednesday, Feb. 4, 2004, members of the Arlington County Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program approved consideration of N. 25th and 26th Streets between George Mason Drive and Glebe Road for consideration of traffic calming measures. Traffic calming assistance was requested by several residents on each street. An organizational meeting for this effort was held on Feb. 25, followed by additional meetings to discuss project options.

The selected options will be presented to area residents in an open house on Wednesday, April 14, 2004, at 7:30 p.m. at Yorktown High School in the cafeteria. The plans include gateways (street narrowing with stamped pavement) at the George Mason and Glebe Highway ends of both streets. Several speed bumps would be installed on both streets, and traffic circles are also being considered for 25th Street.

At the open house, people within the neighborhood that have not attended the design and project development meetings can ask questions about the project.

Before the project goes forward to the county for funding and construction, 60% of the residents within the project area must sign petitions in support of the project. About 200 households will be included in the petition area for these projects. The signature area includes all homes on the affected streets, as well as immediate side streets. After the signatures are collected, the project goes back to the Arlington County Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee for its approval. The final step is approval by the County Board.

The majority of the households in the project area are in the Yorktown Civic Association. However, the Old Dominion Civic Association includes the households east of Columbus Street and south of 26th Street (the north side of 26th St. east of Columbus in the the Yorktown Association). The Yorktown Civic Association executive committee voted in support of this project at its March, 2003, meeting.

As part of this effort, the 25th Street residents have also signed petitions for the installation of sidewalks since no sidewalks exist today on either side of the street west of the intersection of 26th Street and Columbus. The Civic Association must pursue funding for the sidewalks separately through the County’s Neighborhood Conservation program.

Little Falls Road between N. Harrison St. and N. Lexington St. to Receive Traffic Calming AssistanceNotice: The next working group meeting on this project is scheduled for Monday, Nov. 3, 2003, at Little Falls Church. Affected residents are encouraged to attend.

On August 6th, 2003, Little Falls Road from Harrison Street west to Lexington Street was declared to be eligible to receive traffic calming assistance through the Arlington County Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program. This declaration was made by the County’s Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee (NTCC) based on studies of current speeding and other traffic conditions on this street.

The east half of this street segment falls within the Yorktown Civic Association boundaries, while the west end forms the boundary between the Williamsburg (south side of the street) and Rock Spring (north side) civic associations.

The project is being staffed by Jeff Sikes (703/228-3696) of the Arlington County Public Works Department. Feel free to contact Jeff for additional information.

The following notes on developments to-date have been posted on the Williamsburg Civic Association’s website by Williamsburg President Ellen Jones:

Initial Information Meeting: The first neighborhood meeting on the project was held on September 22nd, 2003, at 7:30 PM in the Little Falls Church Small Dining Room. This was a concept meeting to explore possible options for the street. Jeff Sikes, from the County’s Neighborhood Traffic Calming staff, hosted the meeting. Don Gross, Williamsburg Vice President, attended the meeting, as did some of the near neighbors and the President of the Yorktown Civic Association.

Mr. Sikes explained that the street qualifies for traffic calming attention since the 85%ile speed is 33 miles per hour. There are about 2300 cars per day, 1500 going east (from the yield sign right toward the four-way stop on Harrison Street).

The discussion centered around various measures to slow the traffic:

The attendees from the Traffic Calming office recommend speed cushions. Some of the neighbors, however, oppose this option, arguing that it wouldn’t cut down the speed and was unsightly.
One suggestion that all seemed to think would help was to block the right turn yield and force motorists to make a hard right on the far side of the island.
The other measure that garnered approval from most participants was to put imprinted crosswalks at the four-way stop intersection on Harrison Street.
Some neighbors – noting that many motorists fail to stop at the four-way stop sign at the corner of Harrison and Little Falls – favor replacing the four-way stop with a traffic circle. However, some residents from the Yorktown side had lobbied hard for a four-way stop and might oppose this change. Moreover, because of the angle of the intersection, the County’s traffic calmers weren’t sure a traffic circle is feasible.
The County Traffic Calming office promised to investigate the feasibility of these suggestions.

Follow-On Neighborhood Meeting: The second neighborhood meeting of the Little Falls East Working Group was held on 7 October, 2003. Participants included the WCA President and Vice President; David Haring, President of neighboring Yorktown Civic Association, two representatives of the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee, and five residents from the project area.

Jeff Sikes, from the County Staff, presented his recommendations for traffic calming.

Reconfiguration of the existing traffic island where Little Falls and Yorktown meet, to force cars traveling east to make a hard right turn. This option would not injure the Dawn Redwood (a large conifer) on the island. This would involve changes to two driveways. Participants expressed support for this approach.
Installation of two speed cushions between the reconfigured turn and the intersection of Harrison Street and Little Falls. Although Mr. Sikes made a spirited defense of speed humps as the most cost-effective way to slow traffic, meeting participants were largely unconvinced, with a few favoring speed cushions and the rest opposed.
Installation of a traffic circle at the Harrison-Little Falls intersection, with crosswalks. The Little Falls residents expressed opposition to this option, since it entailed removal of the four-way stop sign. The alternative they suggested was to leave the four-way stop but install textured, at-grade cross walks. Mr. Sikes suggested the possibility of nubs to improve pedestrian safety. Several residents favored raised crosswalks, but Mr. Sikes indicated that these are not an option because the street is a fire response route.
Residents proposed a two-phased project: installation of the improvements at both ends of the street (see options 1 and 3, above), with the humps as a contingency, if the first phase does not solve the speeding problem. Mr. Sikes and the NTCC representatives had some problems with this approach, because it had not been done before. Mr. Sikes will poll the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee to see whether a phased approach is viable from a bureaucratic standpoint.

Third Neighborhood Meeting: The third meeting of the Little Falls East Working Group was held on 22 October 2003. Attendees included Mr. Sikes, two representatives from the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee, the President of the Yorktown Civic Association, the President of the Williamsburg Civic Association, and seven residents.

Mr. Sikes began the meeting by reviewing the two-phased project summarized above.

The proposal to reconfigure the traffic island at the intersection of Little Falls and Yorktown provoked a spirited discussion. Several of the residents most closely affected by this reconfiguration expressed reservations, as did the Yorktown Executive Committee. Questions were raised as to whether the narrow access road for the two driveways would be plowed in the winter. Some participants also thought that the strip of unused roadway used by two homes to access their driveways would be quite ugly.
Mr. Sikes, supported by the participants who opposed the traffic island reconfiguration, reiterated his proposal to add two to three speed cushions around 350 to 400 feet apart. He stated that the County has about 100 speed cushions in place and had found this option to be a very cost effective way to lower speeds from over 35 mph to under 30 mph. The speed cushions would also be installed sooner than intersection/traffic island work. Speed cushions normally are installed within a year of approval, while intersection work takes two years. A lively debate ensued. In response to a question, Mr. Sikes assured participants that the speed cushions would be installed in such a way as to allow vehicles to go over at the posted speed limit of 25 mph, without undue jostling of car or driver, unlike those which have been installed on Little Falls Road near O’Connell High School (which are scheduled to be reworked or reinstalled, since they don’t meet County specifications).
The proposal to install textured, at-grade crosswalks at the intersection of Harrison and Little Falls fared better. Most participants liked the idea, which entails retaining the four way stop signs. Mr. Sikes’ proposal to add nubs to narrow the street at three corners (providing a better pedestrian haven for crossing the streets) also garnered support.
Mr. Sikes was not able to provide a clear-cut answer to the question as to whether a phased approach (as described above) would be acceptable to the Neighborhood Traffic Calming Committee. He reported that there was a precedent for this approach, but that some Committee members opposed it.
Participants suggested several alternative approaches:

Yorktown Civic Association suggested the replacement of the current yield sign at the traffic island at the intersection of Little Falls and Yorktown with a stop sign. Mr. Sikes rejected this option, because the County has not approved stop signs as a speed control tool.
Mr. Sikes suggested an alternative to blocking off the traffic island at Yorktown and Little Falls completely. He suggested that the entrance points to the little strip of roadway be narrowed on both sides, creating a driveway type entrance which would deter east-going traffic from using it and encouraging these vehicles to go further up Yorktown and make a hard right onto Little Falls. He suggested that residents might want to check out the intersection of 17th and Hartford, which incorporates a similar driveway type entrance. This suggestion garnered somewhat more support than the initial idea of closing off the traffic island road completely.
The Working Group is now looking at two options:

A reconfigured traffic island at Little Falls and Yorktown, a reconfigured intersection (with nubs) at Harrison and Little Falls in the first stage, with the option to install speed cushions if these measures fail. This option was supported by several residents who attended the second meeting.
A reconfigured intersection (with nubs) at Harrison and Little Falls plus three speed cushions about 350-400 feet apart. This option was supported by several meeting participants, including those residents who opposed the reconfiguration of the Little Falls/Yorktown traffic island.
We need to come to a consensus within the next few weeks, since the petitions need to be done in December to meet NTCC’s calendar. Sixty percent of the affected households must approve the petitions. The NTCC would also like the three affected civic associations (Williamsburg, Yorktown, and Rock Spring) to endorse the project; NTCC looks more kindly on projects that have civic association approval.

The next meeting of the Little Falls East Working Group is Monday, 3 November 2003, at 7:30 at Little Falls Church. We will meet in the Library, which is on the main floor of the church. Look for the signs. All residents of Little Falls from Yorktown to Harrison should make an effort to attend this meeting, since we will be trying again to reach consensus (hopefully one that the neighbors most directly affected can live with!), and draw up an agreed-upon language for the neighborhood petition.